
Murals, Street Art Achievements

Aurignacienne qui dessine des chevaux

Bessèges, France, 2023, 12 x 12 m
For the association MIAOU en Cévennes
Further information on Przewalski’s horses from the association Takh

 … (our ancestors from the Ardèche region at the time of the Chauvet cave) trying to draw horses.
I wanted to talk about the connection between man and horse since the dawn of time.
I also wanted to talk about prehistoric women. Perhaps they also took part in artistic activities. Today, anthropologists are trying to free themselves from the cognitive biases of a patriarchal society and to restore a different image of women in those times.
I wanted to talk about the ability to observe nature, which enabled Aurignacians to depict such vivid animals, and which today gives us the keys to understanding them better.
I wanted to talk about the desire of the painters of the time to represent not just a simple image, but the essence of the wild horse (in perpetual motion, in an almost shamanic attempt to capture the spirits).
Finally, to talk about this inertia that drives us to make walls talk from one side of the planet to the other, with charcoal, pigments, rollers, bombs, engravings, brushes, stencils … and that is far from stopping.
A nod to the Cevennes National Park and the Takh association‘s super project to preserve and study Przewalski’s horses, a breed of prehistoric horse that almost became extinct.
It’s a mural about my first great passion: horses.

Fresque festival Cheltenham

Dancing with horses
Cheltenham, UK, 2024, 4-6 x 12 m
Mural for @Cheltenhampaintfestival 🇬🇧 🎨

Detail fresque Cheltenham

… based on trust, understanding and reciprocity. Knowing how to generate that synergy is all the subtlety. The movement generated by their dance was also important. Moving with horses is a fine and subtle art. Horses are masters and you have to know how to listen to them. I was inspired by many great horse masters, including the equestrian theatre of Bartabas. The dancer’s name is Dania, She is a capoeirista. I am always moved by the history of capoeira, an art developed as resistance to oppression. It brings together dance art, acrobatics and connection with others.
Speaks of resistance to oppression through art, dance, and humanity.

Cheltenham is a town where horse riding is very important. The work is not really about horse riding but more about horses and the relationship that a human can have with them. It was a pleasure to know that both Hannah and I had always been passionate about horses, and to be able to chat.

Photos by @hannah_judah 📸
Model @dania_bananeira 🤸‍♀️
Thanks to Andy, Mark (expert fixer!), Josh and all the people making the festival possible. You are amazing 🫶🏼
Thanks to the talented Dania. 🫶🏼🤸‍♀️ and @ayesalvo for capturing her.
Thanks to @suejbayley conscientious assistant photographer. A crowd gathered when Hannah was up in the lift getting the final shots and Sue’s crowd control was legendary! 🫶🏼
Big up all the artists present to make this adventure unforgettable.🫶🏼🎨🫶🏼

Légende: peinture de Antrocles et le lion

Androcles et le Lion
Sant’Angelo, Viterbo, Italia, 5 x 8 m
For the project “Sant’angelo paese delle Fiabe

This is a revisitation of the story of Androcles and the Lion. 
The story tells how a slave, Androcles, escapes and meets a lion in the woods. The lion has a thorn in its paw and asks Androcles for help. After removing the thorn, Androcle and the lion take refuge together. Later, guards find them and imprison them. Some time later, the characters find themselves in the gladiatorial arena, forced to fight, but when they recognize each other, instead of wrestling, they embrace. Taken aback, the judges decide to set them free.
Androcles’ story is about non-violence. We can gain much more by helping each other, by relying on friendship and love.
By taking off his armor and helmet, Androcle makes himself more vulnerable, but ultimately stronger and braver.
Having grown up with horses, for me, a human/animal (and human/human for that matter) relationship based on care and trust will go much further than one based on struggle and domination.
The flower pictured here is Yarrow, a plant with healing properties, a symbol of courage and healing.

Fresque de la Fée Clochette a Sant Angelo

 Trilli (Tinker Bell)
Sant’Angelo, Viterbo, Italia, 2024, 6.5 x 6.5
For the project “Sant’angelo paese delle Fiabe

… of Sant’angello Paese delle Fiabe by @alessandrochiovelli. In the narrow streets of this small village in Italy’s Viterbo countryside, frescoes tell stories, tales and legends.
This year, I had to paint Tinkerbell (Trilli in Italian) on the façade of the little souvenir store in the village square called “La grotte de Trilli”.
As all the murals are of local people, I used Ginebra, the little neighbor, as my model.
I loved coming back to this little village, sharing moments with the locals and improving my Italian!
A Tinkerbell with Mayan symbols, because it wouldn’t surprise me if it was on the edge of a lagoon in the Mayan jungle, where lost children canoe gently between the stars at the bottom of the water, between nenuphars, fireflies, the sound of frogs and the eyes of crocodiles glittering on the surface.

Fresque murale mésanges

The link
Argelès sur Mer, France, 2024, 2.5 x 3 m (x3)
For the Festival URB’ART

… I knew it was a theme that particularly touched me, because I feel Mediterranean.

I decided not to talk about the sea per se, but rather about the shores it unites, its atmosphere and its vegetation, common to all the peoples living around it.
The Mediterranean should be a link, not a frontier where so many people lose their lives.
So I chose to depict one of the symbols of this part of the globe: the olive tree, a symbol of peace, and through it to rekindle notions of fraternity between Mediterranean people, sensitive to the same poetry.
A poem to bring us closer to our brothers and sisters, Mediterranean from Greece or Tetuan, Mediterranean from Sicily or Gaza, Mediterranean from Egypt, Croatia, Argelès or Mallorca…

A poem to remind us that the Mediterranean should be a bond. To remember that we all grew up with the smell of jasmine, that we know how to savor the softness of the summer sunlight between the leaves, that you tasted your skin after coming out of the sea and it tasted of salt, that you felt the midday sun break on your neck, that as a child you played barefoot under the olive trees between the birds… We are Mediterranean.
And as old Pierre Fran used to sing: “and maybe one day the perfume of the maquis, like in the old days, will flood me and carry me in its arms, and maybe one day I’ll see the sea again, the blue waves and the boats in the cove of Peraldo…”.

Wall for Urb’art, a festival organized by the town hall of @ville_argeles_sur_mer thanks to the great energy of Doriane and Jean Marc.

Thanks to the people of Argelès for their warm welcome, to my neighbor Aline, to my camp mates for the good atmosphere and to @rzsalma for the brainstorming. 😉

My father’s horses (and my mother’s castle)
Chalap, France, 2024, 6 x 9 m
Private commission

… of the trees on the paths of the Cévennes, we can sometimes discern the prints of freedom left by certain passers-by. Traces that defy time, a whisper of the ancients, which like poetry comes to rest on the ears of those who take the time to listen

Mains et olives

Stornara, Italia, 2023, 2.5 x 4 m
Ephemeral work, Theme “Agriculture”

The Third Caravan of Migrant Muralists: Honduras, El Salvador

The themes of the caravan were: “saving the Lempa River” and “preventing violence against women and girls”.
It was an intense and incredible three weeks.
Thanks to all the team and organizers, and to the Mancomunidad Trinacional Fronteriza Rio Lempa 

deux fresques dans un marché un homme et une femme

Raices sin Olvido, Semillas sin Fronteras
Ocotepeque Market, Honduras, 2023
Collaboration with Denis Berrios

During the second week of the Caravana de Muralistas Migrantes, I collaborated with Denis Berrios in the heart of the Ocotepeque market.
We depicted a migrant man, with his house as a backpack, carrying seeds from his land (corn and beans) and his roots torn from the earth. The seeds have sprouted and travelled to the heart in his hand to connect with the other mural.
On the right, I painted a woman looking at the migrant with kindness and nostalgia, the loroco plant growing around her, a plant very common in Honduran markets and food. The bouquets also connect with her heart.
As Denis’ motto says, “we are all migrants” and we can understand the pain of leaving behind those we love, or the nostalgia of thinking of those who have left in search of a better life. Hospitality towards others is a way of connecting heart to heart. Ocotepeque lies on the migrant route heading north. Every day, an average of 6,000 people pass through here…..

I’m grateful for this beautiful experience of painting in the market. It was very nice to share with everyone, and I met some very kind and generous people.

Fresque femme dans un marché

Raices sin Olvido, Semillas sin Fronteras
Ocotepeque Market, Honduras, 2023

La fille et le héron

La Nina y la Garza ou la Jeune Fille et le Héron
Candelaria de la Frontera, El Salvador, 2023, 4 x 2.5 m.

… it has a palm wing and its feet want to become mangrove roots. Its body is made of izote flowers, El Salvador’s national flower…
What does the heron say to the Salvadoran girl, or the girl to the heron?
If you could communicate with the river that gives life to your universe, what would it talk about?

La coupure

El Corte ou La Rupture
San Marcos de Ocotepeque, Honduras, 2023, 4.5 x 5.5 m.

… means understanding that physical violence comes after psychological and emotional abuse.
Psychological and emotional abuse are forms of violence that are harder for victims to understand, and therefore harder to recognize, stop and report.
The various facets of psychological abuse disorientate victims, who begin to isolate themselves and lose their self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect. Victims will find it increasingly difficult to understand what abuse is, and to believe that it’s normal to put up with it.
This means that breaking a violent relationship can be very difficult, and requires courage and help. Breaking the violent bond is essential to healing and finding one’s own light.
Psychological violence in our society is more common than we see or believe. It’s essential to talk about it to reduce it and prevent other types of violence, because it will always increase.
Loving too much is dangerous.
Emotional and psychological violence is already violence, not a step backwards.

Fresque pour l'école de mouans Sartoux: enfants et oiseaux

Envol vers le futur
Mouans Sartoux, France, 2024, 18×4.5 m
Aimée Legall school wall in Mouans Sartoux
Made possible thanks to the @unwhite_it association during the @festivaldulivremouans_sartoux

Fresque pour l'école de mouans Sartoux: enfants et oiseaux détail sur les enfants

… I’ll be walking with my binoculars among the migratory birds that go far and wide, telling stories of landscapes and cultures all different and all wonderful. I’ll fly with them with an upside-down compass, over borders and breezes. I’ll plant olive trees so that those who eat olives and discern between the sun’s rays, the taste of the ancestral wisdom of its bark.”

From left to right: Lina and Melvil, the Black Stork, the White Stork, the Hairy Crake, the Spoonbill, the Arctic Tern (top), the Falcinella Ibis, the Common Grackle, the Least Bittern.

Thanks to Chris and Barbara, you’re the best!
Thanks to @ville_de_mouans_sartoux  , to the @festivaldulivremouans_sartoux , to Vincent, to Cyrille ( who took care of everything !) to Clément, and to the Festival volunteers who were at the top of their game.
Thanks to Franck Felzner for his help, his photos and his knowledge of birds. @wild_moments_frankfetzner Thanks also to Cyrille ( re) @omniscience_ed for sharing some bird photos from the “Passion Oiseaux” book ( photos by @bastienjuifnaturephotography and Laurent Bossay.
Thanks to @mileneservellephotographe for the beautiful final photos of the fresco. You rock!
To Hugo, Jenifer, Mika, Lina and her parents, Melvil and his parents, and all the people who came to see me.
Big up to the other artists with whom I shared this week @swed_oner @olivia_paroldi and @bencaillous

Fresque pour l'école de mouans Sartoux: enfants et oiseaux Nom Ecole
Marocaine fresque murale

The House of Happiness
Rabat, Morocco, 2024, 2 x 10 m
Private commission

Improvised collaboration with @rassanefadili @rzsalma and @fennoha in Rabat with @ikkimahna et @khatib.nour .
We paint, we rework, we paint, we garden, there’s a jasmine, ants, big trees, we drink mint tea, we think, we improvise, we let ourselves be carried by the moment, we pick up the brushes again, the children participate, the dogs have a blast, a little almond cake? Aunts come to chat, friends drop by, the music starts, the lights come up… It’s a house of happiness.
Thank you all for these wonderful moments ❤️🇲🇦❤️ 

Fresque murale au maroc avec un caracal et un homme

Hoda and the Caracal
Casablanca, Morocco, 2024, 3.5 x 8 m

@alouane_bladi in Casablanca, Morocco.

The Caracal is a small African feline endangered in Morocco. It was last seen in 2016 between Mrirt and Azrou in the Middle Atlas. The causes of its disappearance are thought to be environmental degradation and the destruction of plant cover, as well as a reduction in prey biomass.
Cats are very popular in Morocco. However, this big, pointy-eared cat is little-known because of its stealth.
Here’s to all these magnificent animals that roam the biosphere and with whom we should be able to share our planet.

Thanks to @rzsalma , @thamud_dumaht , @elmahdiziad , @senzoclouds , @abidwane , @rubiscreates_ , and the whole Alouane Bladi team for the welcome, the help, and the good atmosphere.
To the friends who shared these moments, @pedrosacchetti who drives like nobody else in Casablanca and who can take a nap amidst the horns, and to @rassanefadili et @rayane.f.f adventure companions, to the beautiful encounters of the Casablanca kaos 🙏
To Hoda, (@ikkimahna ) Caracal charmer and the whole Caracals Faya team!

Fresque saxophoniste de jazz

Natur’All Jazz
Allegres les Fumades, Gard, France, 2024, 2.5 m x 5 m

… on side 3 of the Jazz building. Inspired by a photo of Alex on sax! Trumpet and frog in the Nature, understandable upside down, transparency and forest dance, we’re having a lot of fun in the Gard.
Check out the other sides of the prod > @1seckte 🎷🐸

Fresque sur des oiseaux

Les chasseurs d’Afrique
Saint Florent, Corse, France, 2024, 2.5 m x 5 m

Mural d'une femme

Tulum, Mexico, 2024, 4 m x 2.6 m
Private commission for the restaurant Kalusa

Méjanes Leclaps, Gard, France, 2024, 3 m x 6 m

Fresque murale Salamandre

…., camouflage to observe, observe to learn, learn to know, learn to love, learn to observe, see better, see something else, see beauty, see elegance. The elegance of knowing how to observe. The elegance of beauty. The subtlety of seeing, of marvelling, of appreciating. The beauty of learning. The subtlety of wanting to learn. The finesse of feeling. The learning of feeling. Commissioned for Méjannes le clap.
Fresco created with the @miaouencevennes

Le Hibou et le Renard
Chouilly, Champagne, France, 2023
Private commission

… the owl brings us time to focus on what can come out when we let our wildest, most wonderful dreams come out of our overactive imaginations.

3 femmes dans une cave de champagne

Chouilly, Champagne, France, 2023, 3 x 6 m
Interior decoration for the cellar of “Champagne Juliette Petret

Vignes peintes dans le pressoir Michel Vol

Le Pressoir
Chouilly, Champagne, France, 2023, 3 x 15 m
Interior decoration for Champagne Michel Vol

Le coyote de Méditerranée o la Vulpe
Stornara, Italia, 2022, 3.5 x 9 m
For the festival Stramurales in Stornara , theme “Liberta”

It roams the “macchia”, the meadows. Its fur takes on the scent of wild plants and its eyes are filled with a thirst for freedom. The fox doesn’t stop at fences or gates, like many souls balancing on borders.
He represents the daisy, Italy’s national flower. The olive and laurel, emblematic of the Mediterranean, the oak for its strength, the sativa oat for its particular way of dispersing seeds (it also catches the fox to plant itself on the other side of the field, avoiding the genetic impoverishment of the species) and the opium for having a flower that loses its petals when cut, because its beauty is only admired when it’s alive and free.

Thanks to Alaniz for inviting me and believing in me. Thanks to Stramurales for giving me this opportunity.

Une fille avec 2 oiseaux Aganis

El Abrazo de las Garzas Agamis
Stornara, Italia, 2023, 4 x 6 m
For the festival Stramurales à Stornara theme “Desperate World”

The Agami is a magnificent Latin American heron, yet it’s in danger of extinction.
Preserving nature and species from extinction means preserving the beauty and poetry of our world.
Who hasn’t let himself be carried away for a moment by his worries, admiring a flight, colors or listening to a bird’s song? Who hasn’t found peace?
Poetry, beauty and art can save the world, and this light of hope is in our hands.
Thanks to Liz, my friend and admirable woman 😘 who has been my role model.

La fille et le sablier

Las Arenas del Tiempo
Collaboration with Alaniz
Holbox, Mexico, 2023, 3.5 x 6 m

Painted on Holbox, a sandy island where you can move between sky and sea without thinking about the passing hours, taking refuge in the only moment you find yourself in: the present. Thanks to the owners for trusting us to paint this fresco. Collaboration with Alaniz and based on a photo by Carol Yarrow (check out her work on indigenous peoples).

Fresque murale, Mural Recuerdos de una infancia en la playa Tulum Margot

Recuerdos de una enfancia en la playa
Tulum, Mexico, 2023, 3 x 10 m

…“se terminó” is “se gastó”, it is “chupi”.
Chupi paradise, chupi that beach without stepping on, chupi the access.

I discovered that the memories are not real because the mind transforms them, sometimes you remember only the beautiful, or only the bad, the faces are erased and the colors are changed.
So what is left of paradise?
I want to know if the memories are spent as much as the paradise is spent?
“In k’aat in bon le ch’iich’oob kin k’aajsico’ob” means ‘I want to paint those birds I remember’.
Like memories in the wind, the birds pass so quickly, infiltrating the breezes and the waves, and you remember a wing shining in the sun, like a flash, the sunset flight of a memory.

That wall is a tribute to Sian Ka’an, a cry for those lands, a poem for the people of Tulum, who knew his childhood, a simple and quiet Tulum, to those who love to get lost on a beach with the only music of the waves and the wind in the palm trees, who need nothing more than to see the colors that the sunset paints to return to itself and that can soar with the flight of a bird.

Thanks to @isis.frames for letting me get inspired by her photos and @mayalarripa for that smile 💫🤗

Le Jaguar

The Jaguar
Collaboration with Alaniz
Tulum, Mexico, 2022, 3 x 15 m

… I imagined my God entrusting the message to the living skin of jaguars who would love and beget each other endlessly, in caves [cenotes edla], in reed beds, on islands for the last men to receive it.”

Just as in the story by Jorge Luis Borges, the jaguar’s spots hid the message of God, in our mural, swimming in a river of destruction and greed, these spots are transformed into the message of a God who could be the God of men: money.

Today, the great king of the American jungles is on the brink of extinction. In Mexico, the vast majority of jaguars live in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is why these lands are of paramount importance for the feline’s preservation.

Unfortunately, the jungle and cenotes are being devastated for money. To keep the jaguar and the message of the gods intact, let’s preserve their habitat.

Collaboration with Alaniz
Holbox, Mexico, 2023, 2 murals 10.5 x 5.5
For the hotel PISCIS

We were asked to do something related to the sign of Pisces. We decided to create two women, one sinking into the depths of the ocean, the other appearing on the surface, inspired by the symbol of the astrological sign, but also by the perpetual cycle of life where sometimes you have to touch the bottom to find the light.
It took 3 weeks of hard work, but we’re very happy with the result.

Femme dans un bateau avec des ailes sur la tête

La Guardiana de las Lagunas
Tulum, Mexico, 2023, 3.5 x 4 m
Interior decoration for Aldea Yaaxlum

Femme montrant son coeur

Ciel Rose
Tulum, Mexico, 2022, 1.5 x 4 m
Hotel Restaurant Puro Corazon

Femme maya dans la jungle

Milpa Mexicana
Collaboration with Alaniz
Tulum, Mexico, 2022, 3.5 x 9 m
Restaurant TropiQ

… with every murdered activist, with every missing student, with every endangered species. It bleeds with every person discriminated against because of the color of their skin, with every corrupt policeman, with every shooting that claims a victim. It bleeds in every village that runs out of water because a company takes it, with every child who suffers from hunger and malnutrition, in the organized cartels and the politicians who participate in them. In its subjugated indigenous populations, the modern slaves of unbridled development. And yet, while they bleed, their wealth is so abundant that it will not fall, their patrimony is so rich that it will not bend, and mothers continue to defend their lands, and workers continue to rise early to feed their families, even if their wages are too low.
Mexico fights, like Zapata or Villas, against invincible enemies, despite betrayals, despite defeats, Mexico stands tall and does not give up.

Femme maya avec des fleurs

Mujer de las Bugambilias
Collaboration with Alaniz
Holbox, Mexico, 2022, 6 x 4 m
For Villas Caracol

… among the bougainvillea. She has the look of a mother, of gentleness, a heart that loves good and beautiful.
She takes me back to the welcome I received in these Mayan lands. In the heart of a people who have suffered wars and colonizations, but who, if you go to their villages, still have a soul that loves its land and sea, proud of its traditions and legends, kind and friendly.

Femme dans l'eau

Collaboration with Alaniz and Lucia Revilla
Tulum, Mexico, 2023, 11.5 x 7 m

This wall was created as a reminder of the ecocide taking place in Tulum, Mexico. A place that originally seemed like a natural paradise is losing its magic to unplanned development. This wall is dedicated to the paradise that once existed, and to the people who had to leave.
Living in a place that is such a popular tourist destination, it’s easy to become part of the problem, as we allow ourselves to be carried away by the dynamics of supply and demand, without social or ecological conscience, and we participate in its destruction.
The woman asleep in the cenote is a personification of Tulum. She died from the apple of uncontrolled capitalism and lies begging for help in the midst of her addictions.

About me

Margot is a self-taught French mural artist born in Grasse in 1990.

She worked in equestrian tourism from a very young age. She moved to Mexico in 2015 where she became a naturalist guide.

Her passion for nature and animal species is reflected in her first mural dedicated to a puma killed in a car accident in Tulum (Mexico) where she lives.

Since then, she has rapidly developed her technique. She participated in festivals and artistic residencies in France and Italy, always seeking to improve while remaining in line with her humanist and naturalist vision.

These murals aim is to be accessible to all, but also to encourage reflections that can be explored at different levels.

She mainly uses the roller and the brush.


Other services

Children workshops

Fresque: Atelier enfants à Vialas sur l'abeille

L’Abeille (the Bee)
Vialas, France, 2024
Realization over one week.
40 children took part in the project

Enfants peignant un Margay

Le Margay
Creation of a large mural in the school of  Saint Julien de Cassagnas.
Saint Julien de Cassagnas, France, 2023
Organized by MIAOU en Cévennes. Educational work in partnership with teachers.
70 children participated in the production over the course of 1 week.

Enfants réalisant la fresque de l'écureuil

Gagnières, France, 2023
Achievement over 1 day. Organized by the association MIAOU en Cévennes à Gagnières.
10 children participated in the production.

Interior decoration

The Jaguar
Merida, Mexique, 2024, 4,5 x 4,5 m

Private commission
Interior decoration

Holbox, Mexique, 2024, 5,5 x 3,5

Private Commission
Interior Decoration

Déco intérieure restaurant : une rue de Naples
Déco intérieure : panthères

Panthères (Panthers)
Grasse, France, 2024, 2.2 x 3.5 m
Interior decoration

Fresque de Vespas dans un garage

Vespas in a Garage
Tulum, Mexique, 2023
Interior decoration

La niña de los lobos
Artizen, Tulum, Mexico, 2023, 2 x 3 m
Interior decoration

Le Zèbre (Zebra)
Chouilly, France, 2022
Interior decoration

Cannes, France, 2022, 2 x 1.5 m
Interior decoration

Peinture d'un éléphant Décoration intérieure

 (in Dr. Francisco Hernández’s version):
“The elephant is the animal closest to the human senses, for it understands the language of its country, obeys its superior and remembers the trades it learns; it loves love and honor and, something found in few men, is capable of kindness, prudence and justice. They recognize the stars as deities and worship the sun and moon.
 Some authors write that herds descend into the forests of Mauritania, at the time of the new moon, to a river called Amilo, and that there, purified, they sprinkle themselves with solemnity, and that after having thus worshipped this planet, they return to the mountains, carrying before them the youngest, whom they understand to be tired”.
The elephant is the creator and ruler of the world. In the Jungle Book, it is he who enforces the truce of the waters and the balance that establishes the law of the jungle. He is revered in many cultures.
He carries the delicious monstera, a symbol of balance and harmony, and the fern, a primitive plant that is the origin of time.
He also carries two herons. In Egyptian mythology, the heron corresponds to the hieroglyph “Bennu”, later associated with the phoenix bird of the Greeks. The heron represents immortality, vital regeneration, the end and the beginning, and is associated with the flooding of the Nile.
This year, southern Europe has been marked by low rainfall and a lack of water.
May the water truce begin, and may the elephant never be absent to witness it.


Tableau d'une femme douce forteresse d'une âme pillée

Gentle fortress of a plundered soul
Acrylics on canvas, 2023, 95×60 cm

This painting was donated for the solidarity auction on

This painting speaks of the beauty and tenderness of rebuilding and caring for oneself after suffering. It speaks of the courage to take care of oneself instead of attacking.
It speaks of the fact that if each and every one of us healed our wounds, the world would be a much more beautiful place.

Panneau: femme de dos tenant une pomme

Il Pomo
Collaboration avec Jenny
Italie, 2024

Déco intérieure: une genette

La Genette (The Genet)
Voie Verte de Gagnières, Gard, France, 2024
1.5 x 2

Panneau: Baleines en danger soutien à Watson

Bagno di Romagna, Italie, 2024
2.5 x 2.5

… a humanity without an ocean is a dead humanity.

My participation in @soundido
All my support to @captainpaulwatson, the founder of @seashepherdfrance from Italy. Stop the criminalization of conservationists.
Grazie a tutte le persone che hanno partecipato, a @lucionesamoa per la ospitalità e a tutte le belle persone che ho conosciuto. Siete lo massimo ! is being talked about in the media

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